Tissue & Cell Technologies

History & Tech Overview

How We Got Here

Tissue & Cell’s business was founded in 2011 with a pioneering vision to develop a platform for long-term cryo-storage of large volumes of human tissue and cells.

Our technology, which maintains cell vigor, viability, structure, and full functionality, is at the forefront of advancements in reconstructive surgery and regenerative medicine.

Lab worker looking at her tablet

Fat banking has been referred to as a “Holy Grail” and one of the ten most important advances in plastic surgery in the last 20 years.

Tissue & Cell business are experts in cryopreservation of adipose tissue. And we are the only establishment with an approved cryopreservation process.

The U.K. Human Tissue Authority (HTA) issued a tissue establishment license to T&CT in 2005, which covers the safety of the transport kit, processing, and storage, also providing an assurance of integrity and quality.*
Our technology platform, Adiposet©, launched in the UK in 2014, is the result of more than 15 years of research in collaboration with the University of Sheffield. T&CT collaborates with over 25 NHS hospitals, and the list is growing.
Learn more about our Quality Management System here
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Development Pipelines & Future Sectors

We are partnering and collaborating with leaders and research groups worldwide who have promising long-term applications and therapeutics in regenerative medicine, cell-based therapies, and personalized medicine.

All major cell types, including muscle, heart, pancreas, hair, skin, cartilage, and more. We want our technology to help pave the way for full organ regeneration, organoids, and other rejuvenation therapies.


plastic surgery including reprioritize BBL, breast augmentation, injectables, and skin rejuvenation

Our technology offers a natural and safe solution for aesthetic procedures. The volumizing and self-healing properties of a patient’s own fat and stems cells are already well recognized in plastic surgery.

With significantly lower or no risk of complications, our technology ensures that no artificial compounds or toxins are introduced into the human body, providing a safe and natural solution for patients.


Breast reconstruction, reconstructive surgery, and similar applications

Fat has been used for over 30 years, and the benefits of storage for all stakeholders, particularly patients, are enormous and potentially life-changing.