Tissue & Cell Technologies

Personal Storage (Bio Insurance)


Brunette woman in her 40's wearing jeans and a tee shirt, sitting on a couch smiling

Savvy patients know that something naturally occurring and organic to the body is better than a foreign object or man-made filler. 

Giving patients a way to store their own fat with Tissue & Cell Technologies for future use is giving them a key to unlock any number of doors. 

Whether they choose to use their own fat as injectable filler in the face, or for breast and body shaping touch-ups, or for an unknown medical intervention using their faat’s own regenerative properties… this bio insurance option is the peace of mind many are looking for.

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Development Pipelines & Future Sectors

We are partnering and collaborating with leaders and research groups worldwide who have promising long-term applications and therapeutics in regenerative medicine, cell-based therapies, and personalized medicine.

All major cell types, including muscle, heart, pancreas, hair, skin, cartilage, and more. We want our technology to help pave the way for full organ regeneration, organoids, and other rejuvenation therapies.


plastic surgery including reprioritize BBL, breast augmentation, injectables, and skin rejuvenation

Our technology offers a natural and safe solution for aesthetic procedures. The volumizing and self-healing properties of a patient’s own fat and stems cells are already well recognized in plastic surgery.

With significantly lower or no risk of complications, our technology ensures that no artificial compounds or toxins are introduced into the human body, providing a safe and natural solution for patients.


Breast reconstruction, reconstructive surgery, and similar applications

Fat has been used for over 30 years, and the benefits of storage for all stakeholders, particularly patients, are enormous and potentially life-changing.